In early 2020, due to the impact of the Covid-19 epidemic, all of Quan Chi’s production business activities encountered many difficulties due to increased raw material prices and a decrease in the number of orders, leading to labor reduction and reduced working hours. . This greatly affects the lives of the Company’s employees. Faced with that situation, the Company’s Board of Directors propagated and called on employees to actively implement measures to prevent the Covid – 19 epidemic, overcome difficulties to stabilize production. Quan Chi’s Board of Directors has organized and implemented many plans for employee care activities during the pandemic and achieved many results, creating great unity, ensuring the stability of the business as well as such as employment and income of workers.
The company determined the dual goal of “Fighting the enemy – Production” during the Covid-19 outbreak. The company has provided full equipment for epidemic prevention such as: Masks, body temperature monitors, antiseptic hand sanitizer… Regularly measure body temperature to check workers’ health before coming to work. Timely detect cases of fever, cough, difficulty breathing… to take to the nearest medical facility. In addition, the Company organized the purchase and giving of in-kind gifts of 10kg of rice to all employees in many installments. Although the gift is small, it has a very humane spiritual value, showing the care and sympathy of the Company’s Board of Directors for Quan Chi employees.

By early July 2021, the Covid-19 epidemic situation was increasingly complicated. To ensure the health of all Quan Chi employees and maintain production activities, the Board of Directors organized Covid testing and arranged for All employees stay in the company. Quan Chi successfully implemented the “3 on site” plan – “produce on site, eat on site, rest on site”, providing workers with adequate places to rest and meals that ensure hygiene and nutrition. , creating the best conditions for workers when having to produce during the Covid-19 epidemic season.

Quan Chi will continue to strive to overcome difficulties and challenges to take better care of the lives of workers, creating solidarity between businesses and workers, thereby contributing to the cause of development. company development.